Leaving Sourcegraph

We value the contributions of every teammate, and have made a long term bet on you and your career by having you on the team. We encourage open and transparent communication with your manager. If you’re considering leaving Sourcegraph, reach out to your manager to discuss your reasons for leaving, and how we might be able to convince you to stay (explore new projects, take on new responsibilities, look into a role change, etc.).


Voluntary exits occur when a Teammate chooses to resign from their role at Sourcegraph.

Note that we expect contractual notice periods to be honored (if applicable), unless you and your manager agree otherwise. If you are unsure of your notice period, please refer to your contract or offer letter, or contact people-ops@sourcegraph.com if further clarification is needed.

If you decide that resigning is the best course of action, please confirm your last day of work with your manager and follow the steps below.

Resignations Process

  1. Departing Teammate confirms their last day of work with their manager and sends a resignation email to people-ops@sourcegraph.com.

If the departing Teammate is employed via a PEO, they should also copy the relevant Support Team (Remote: userhappiness@remote.com, Deel: ​​support@deel.com).

Depending on the circumstances of the Teammate’s exit, access to internal systems may be removed prior to their separation date. Managers and/or People Partners will confirm the exact date and time of access removal with the departing Teammate when discussing their transition plan.

  1. The Teammate’s People Partner will initiate the offboarding process within 24 hours of receipt.

If the departing Teammate is employed via a PEO, the People Partner will work directly with the PEO vendor to complete their offboarding processes.

  1. The departing Teammate will receive an offboarding follow-up email summarizing all key offboarding items, such as payroll, benefits, equity, returning of equipment and expenses.

  2. Departing Teammates are expected to work with their managers to create a transition plan during their notice period, if applicable. Transition plans take into account notice period length, as well as the departing Teammate’s current workload, and the overall impact of their exit on others and the organization.

  3. In rare cases, a change to the departing Teammate’s last day may be requested by the Teammate or their manager. Any extensions of a Teammate’s last day must be approved by their manager and all changes to the separation date must be communicated to people-ops@sourcegraph.com immediately (but in no later than 24 hours after the request is made). The Teammate’s People Partner will update those involved in the offboarding process and complete all system updates.

  4. The departing Teammate will receive an Exit Survey via Lattice and meet with their People Partner for an Exit Interview in their last working week. More on this process can be found here.

  5. The departing Teammate must schedule a meeting with Tech Ops, on their last day of work, in order to wipe their laptop. Laptops can be purchased by leavers, at a discounted rate, or otherwise must be shipped back to us.

The departing Teammate should direct any questions that arise following their exit to people-ops@sourcegraph.com

Being removed from the team

We want everyone to be successful in their jobs and careers and we do our best to only extend offers to candidates who we believe will be successful on our team, but no hiring process is perfect and occasionally we need to part ways with a teammate.

You will be removed from the team if we observe a pattern of behavior that doesn’t meet the expectations for your role. Your manager will make it clear to you if you aren’t meeting expectations and will strive to give you feedback that will help you improve, but it is up to you to take ownership and begin making the necessary changes to prevent recurring incidents from putting your job at risk.

If, after thoughtful deliberation, we decide to remove you from the team, then your manager and a representative from People Ops will meet with you over video chat (we are an all remote team) as soon as possible to tell you that today is your last day. The decision will be final and it will be based on the feedback that has already been delivered to you, so we will not discuss or rehash the reasons. We will offer you a generous amount of money so that you don’t have to worry about paying bills as you look for your next job if and when you accept an agreement to not take legal action (and other standard departure terms) because we would rather give money to you and your family than to lawyers.

Hiring managers please see here for additional information on teammate departures, and please see our announcements page for information on how to notify the company.

Transfer of Information

In preparation for leaving the company, we ask that you try your best to transfer all relevant files to your manager by the time and date of your departure. If there exists any personally sensitive information within your Sourcegraph Gmail account, we ask that you remove this before your departure. Additionally, any files/documents owned by you will be transferred to your manager for re-assignment, and any incoming emails will be forwarded to your manager. The account will be permanently deleted after the successful transfer of files. As an exception to this rule, Sales team members’ accounts may be deemed necessary to remain open to account for historical email threads that are of importance to the current pipeline. Incoming emails to sales accounts will be forwarded to the appropriate point of contact.