Annual OKRs

These OKRs are for fiscal year 2022, which runs from to .


  1. Make Sourcegraph valuable and accessible to every dev and company
    • Reach N0 MAU
    • Grow ARR 3x YoY (N1)
  2. Solve Big Code problems for the largest enterprises (5k+ user, multi-business unit, global)
    • Land N2 large enterprise customers
    • Close N3 IARR in large enterprise segment
    • Successfully deploy to N4 MAU in a large enterprise account
  3. Earn community trust and credibility
    • We’ve fostered a few highly engaged ~N5-member communities around the future of coding and dev tools
    • Customer Advisory Board of at least N6 influential people
    • N7 prominent OSS projects are linking back to us
    • Blog post hits top 5 in Hacker News every quarter
  4. Build a company that thrives amid rapid growth
    • Team satisfaction increases from start of year to end
    • Hiring managers report that 75% of new teammates had an onboarding experience that made them successful


  1. Be able to communicate how universal code search solves the challenges of every developer/company
    • We’ve delivered updated brand personas by end of , an updated brand narrative by , a brand guide by , and an internal brand repository by
    • Unfamiliar devs and decision-makers visit and convert to the next stage of the funnel (with high probability)
    • Dev-focused announcement before drives a 20–30% lift in new MAU
  2. Scale awareness to reach more developers around the world
    • Monthly organic search traffic to has increased by 30%
    • By EOY our email subscribers have grown to N8 developers
    • Monthly referral traffic has increased by 50%
    • Share of voice around core keywords has increased 30%
    • At least one tier 1 media feature a quarter
  3. Communicate Big Code problems and solutions to the largest enterprises
    • Our account-based marketing programs have helped close the top N2 target enterprise logos
    • 3 enterprise customer stories per quarter to beat the drum of our social proof
    • AE’s feel comfortable directing account champions to our enterprise web content to accelerate deal cycles
    • Enterprise announcement drives a 10% increase in enterprise leads
  4. Earn community trust and credibility
    • We’ve fostered a few highly engaged ~N5-member communities around the future of coding and dev tools
    • Customer Advisory Board of at least N6 influential people
    • N7 prominent OSS projects are linking back to us
    • A blog post hits top 5 in Hacker News every quarter
  5. Establish a repeatable, scalable pipeline generation motion
    • We’ve deployed a marketing automation platform and internal data dashboard by end of and established conversion rate benchmarks by so we can easily track, optimize and share data about our end-to-end funnel
    • We’ve documented and increased conversion rates for each stage of the buyer journey by 20%
    • We have achieved measurable pipeline by May
    • We’ve sourced 10% of qualified pipeline in ; 20% in ; 30% in ; >40% in


  1. Make Sourcegraph valuable and accessible to every company
    • Grow ARR 3x YoY (N1 IARR)
    • N9% Gross Revenue Retention
    • N10% Net Revenue Retention
  2. Solve Big Code problems for the largest enterprises (5k+ user, multi-business unit, global)
    • Land N2 large enterprise customers
    • Close N3 IARR in the large enterprise segment
    • Successfully deploy to a N4 MAU within a large enterprise account
  3. Build a company that thrives amid rapid growth
    • 70% quota participation rate

    • 100% avg. attainment across team

    • 100% of Sales Team would recommend a friend to join our team
  4. Establish a repeatable, scalable pipeline generation motion
    • 50% of Qualified Pipeline is generated by the sales org
    • AEs & SDRs are equipped with the tools, training, and data to drive outbound pipeline generation

Customer Engineering

  1. Make Sourcegraph valuable and accessible to every company
    • Grow ARR 3x YoY (N1 IARR)
    • N9% Gross Revenue Retention
    • N10% Net Revenue Retention
  2. Solve Big Code problems for the largest enterprises (5k+ user, multi-business unit, global)
    • Land N2 large enterprise customers
    • Close N3 IARR in the large enterprise segment
    • Successfully deploy to a N4 MAU within a large enterprise account
  3. Build the systems and team to be proactive, not reactive, about customer success
    • Vitals, health, and opportunity metrics for accounts are reliably tracked
    • 90% of accounts have a proactive expansion or upsell effort in-progress
  4. Help Sourcegraph remain customer-first
    • Customer Engineers feel comfortable pointing customers to our public roadmap
    • The product roadmap indicates relevant customers and estimated IARR for each project
    • Every eng team has the context/support to be in direct contact with at least 2 customers


  1. Ship features to win the enterprise market
    • Advanced search features (search contexts, code monitors, filter predicates, diff search, exhaustive search) and precise code intelligence are used by at least one N4 MAU (e.g., N4) instance with snappy performance
    • N12% of enterprise customers have precise code intelligence for at least 1 major language and 20% of enterprise customers have precise code intelligence on >N13% of their code.
    • Batch changes is used by N14 enterprise customers and drives at least one N15 enterprise deal
    • N16 enterprise customers have >2 code insights that are viewed twice per week
    • One customer indexes all their Perforce repositories on Sourcegraph
  2. Become the code search engine for public code
    • N0 MAU on
  3. Launch Sourcegraph Cloud for private code
    • N17 monthly active users on Sourcegraph Cloud who have synced private code
  4. Provide a solid organizational and developer experience foundation to scale team 2x this year
    • Eliminate 5 devex pain points and reach an NPS of 50 on overall satisfaction (survey).
    • Start tracking DORA and improve these by X%
    • 90% of new EMs, PMs, Designers, and SWEs say their onboarding experience was excellent
    • 90% of usage and support questions can be handled by referring to relevant documentation

People Ops

  1. Provide an inclusive and scalable onboarding process that sets teammates up for success
    • 100% of new teammates have a unified list of steps for onboarding
    • Team-specific onboarding training has been developed for 5+ teams
    • Feedback is collected from 100% of new hires and hiring managers during and after onboarding
    • 100% of teammates have edited the handbook after their first week
    • Evaluate PEOs to facilitate employing teammates internationally
  2. Support every teammate’s professional development
    • Key training sessions are available to all teammates (company-wide, role-specific)
    • 100% participation in review cycles
    • Leveling guides exist for 5+ positions or teams
  3. Consistent and transparent compensation for every role and team member
    • 100% of team members and offers have compensation tied to market benchmarks
    • 100% of team members compensation is reviewed at least twice per year
    • 100% of managers have access to compensation data for their current team
    • Internal compensation guidelines are publicly visible
  4. Help every team be welcoming and inclusive
    • Publicly communicate our philosophy towards diversity, equity, and inclusion with actionable steps
    • 100% of existing teammates and new hires go through DEI training
    • 100% of managers go through management specific DEI training to support diverse teams
    • 100% of teammates are covered by globally supported policies
    • Capture and publicly report team representation across a variety of demographics and groups


  1. Help hiring managers find, interview, offer, and sign candidates with a great candidate experience
    • 100% of open roles have a job description, interview plan, and compensation plan that meets our standards
    • 100% of candidates are notified of the outcome within 3 workdays after submitting an application or completing any stage
    • Hiring managers have documentation, training, and coaching on all parts of the talent acquisition process
  2. Ensure candidates and our talent acquisition process uphold our values
    • All candidates participate in a standardized company values interview
    • Measure and set targets for % of the candidates at the initial screen stage would add representation to the team or company
  3. Maintain realistic hiring plans that are responsive to teams’ needs
    • Meet quarterly hiring plans for each team +/- 20%
    • Regular check-ins with hiring managers to confirm and update hiring plans