
We use a lot of tools on the Sourcegraph design team. Many of them are tools we use directly in our work, while other tools we use at the intersections with other teams.

Here’s what we use and how they fit together.

Product and design

  • Figma is our primary design tool for all levels of fidelity and interactive prototyping.
  • Excalidraw is our tool for collaborative low-fidelity sketching and ideation.
  • Miro is our tool for collaborative whiteboard-style workshops.
  • ProductBoard is where product teams aggregate all user feedback.

User research and data

  • is our tool for unmoderated user research, which includes participant sourcing.
  • LookBack is our tool for moderated user research and interviews.
  • Calendly is our tool for scheduling user interviews and sessions where it’s easier for the other participant to choose a time that works for them.
  • Looker is our data warehouse so we can connect different data sources and analyze anything we need to.
  • Amplitude is where we track and visualize events on the product.
  • Airtable is a database-like tool that can be handy for managing data in user research.
  • Google Analytics is a tool for tracking data on user interactions within our cloud product.

Internal collaboration and communication

  • GitHub is where code reviews, issues, and project collaboration in development takes place.
  • Slack is our primary internal communication tool.
  • Google Meet and Zoom are our internal video calling tools. We default to Meet for product and design team calls, because it supports captions by default, which make our calls more inclusive for everyone.
  • Loom is how we record and share video and screen recordings asynchronously.
  • Google Calendar is for personal and shared calendars.
  • Google Docs is where we write and collaborate on written content like RFCs.
  • Google Slides is for slide decks and presentations.
  • Google Sheets is for spreadsheets.
  • Otter transcribes Zoom calls and also anything else you drop in it.
  • Grammarly helps us improve our writing.
  • 1Password is where we store shared passwords and secrets.

Business tools

  • Greenhouse is our hiring platform.
  • Lattice is for our twice-yearly review cycles.
  • Salesforce is our source of truth for customer data.
  • Zendesk is where the customer support team manages day-to-day work.
  • Asana is where some teams handle project tracking.


We all use our own tools as we see fit for local development and testing. Choose what makes sense for you! Here’s what the team’s using:

  • Quinn Keast is using Nova, VSCode, and iTerm2.
  • Rob Rhyne is using TODO
  • Alicja Suska is using TODO

Other tools of interest

  • Quinn Keast is using:
  • Rob Ryhne is using: TODO
  • Alicja Suska is using: TODO