Amplitude for designers

Amplitude provides session-based event data of Sourcegraph Cloud features (please note: data from private instances is not available in Amplitude, use Looker instead). This guide describes several key concepts and provides a tutorial on how designers can use Amplitude in the discovery process in addition to measuring results.

Key concepts


Events are recorded when a Sourcegraph EventLog action is triggered as defined in the product. Events include clicks against tracked elements, page views, and other interactions defined when building product features. All Sourcegraph events are ingested into Amplitude as soon as they are released.


Segmentation is a way to limit the group of users you are analyzing to users matching with specific attributes. Users can be segmented by whether they are new or active, have cloud accounts, have added repositories, or if they belonged to a specific cohort (weekly group of users) or participated in an a/b test.

Segments can help answer questions like “Are users from before or after feature X was released more likely to do Y?” and, “Are users with property A, more likely to perform event B more than 5 times a week?”


Amplitude’s notebook feature is incredibly useful for telling the story behind data in a way charts and dashboards cannot. Designers can use these notebooks to collect and annotate charts that describe user behaviors, to report the results of their designs, and hypothesize about how to improve key metrics.


Amplitude’s dashboards are a handy way to save related charts for later reference.

Getting started with Amplitude

Let’s start with asking the following questions and building a chart that tracks this data.

  • How often do users view the sign-up page?
  • What events are correlated with this activity?
  • Click “+ New” in the sidebar and click “Chart”
  • Under “Events,” click the blue event box and select “Sign-up viewed”
  • Under “…performed by Any user” > All, click the “where” button, add the user property has_cloud_account and select “none” from the resulting popup
  • Add another “where” filter by clicking “+ where” and select is_sourcegraph_teammate = none.

We now have a view that represents the counts of daily views of the sign-up page over the last month (events), by users who do not have a cloud account and are not teammates (segmentation).


A basic event segmentation chart with user segmentation

Extend the timeline

Change the chart to weekly and extend the timeline to 12w with the button group on the top right of the chart. The chart now provides some data on how sign-up page views have grown over the last few months and compares the last week to the current week.

Adding additional events and segments

Let’s track other associated events and improve the segmentation of users.

  • Under events, add the event “sign-up initiated”

We now have events on the screen that give us an idea of how many of the viewers could initiate sign up and how many actually do. We can segment this chart to only new users as well:

  • In the heading “…performed by Any user” change “Any” to “New” to segment to only new users.

View the example

Improving the chart to show a funnel of events

The chart we previously defined could be better represented as a funnel that shows the percentage of users who are making it through each of a series of defined steps.

To create a funnel from our existing chart, simply change the chart type at the top from Event Segmentation to Funnel Analysis. Note that the events are now numbered and the line chart has become a bar chart.

The first bar represents all views of the sign-up page. The second bar represents all users who initiated signup.

image A basic funnel chart displays conversions through multiple events

View the example

Exploration via segments

Often when exploring how a design impacts user actions, we need to determine if users who performed one action are more likely to trigger a specific event than users who did not. To chart this, we can create a segment of users who experienced the feature (‘and who performed’ My feature >= 1) and a segment who did not experience the feature (‘and who performed’ My feature = 0).

For example, if you would like to determine if users who viewed the homepage video are more likely to have view the sign-up page than those who do not, you would create two segments, one with “who performed Home page video… >= 1 time” and one with “who performed Home page video… = 0.” Then change the type of chart from uniques to Active %.

View the example


Using these simple charting methods, designers can quickly discover how often their features are being used and how well their flows perform. The artifacts of these explorations can then be used to justify improvements to critical areas of the application.

Things to know

  • Segment your audience
    • If your action applies to new users or you are not concerned with users looking for corporate information, a segment is a way to target the sessions you are analyzing
    • Exclude teammates!
  • Any active event
  • It is VERY easy to make mistakes!
  • Make sure the data you are looking at has statistical significance