Restore a managed instance when it is completely gone


For MI 1.1, see the new process here.

Assess what is deleted

Navigate to sourcegraph-managed-$CUSTOMER project, and look at existing compute instance. Does the VM still exist?

Re-create the VM with existing data disk

  1. Open sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph-managed and check out to the $CUSTOMER directory
  2. Run terraform apply to reconcile the infrastructure to its definition in code.
  3. Follow confirm instance health

Re-create the VM with new data disk from disk snapshot

  1. Run gcloud compute snapshots list --project=sourcegraph-managed-$CUSTOMER --sort-by="~creationTimestamp" --limit=5 --format="table(name,creationTimestamp)" and copy the name of the latest snapshot

  2. Go to sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph-managed and create a new branch $CUSTOMER/restore-instance

  3. Edit $CUSTOMER/terraform.tfvars. NOTES: the key could be black depending on the current active instance

    disks = {
      red = { from_snapshot = "REPLACE_ME_WITH_SNAPSHOT_NAME" }
  4. Run terraform apply to reconcile the infrastructure to its definition in code.

  5. Follow confirm instance health

  6. Commit your changes and open a Pull Request