Social Calendar
Working in the same office creates a lot of opportunities for socializing and casual interactions, but how do we maintain these social events when working remotely?
We took inspiration from Zapier’s social calendar and created our own Sourcegraph Social calendar.
Using the calendar
The first rule step of the social calendar, add the calendar.
Joining an event
Joining an event is easy, just edit the event you would like to attend, add yourself as a guest and select “send an update” when saving, this will ensure the host is notified. Some events might be recurring, so only add yourself to the dates that you will attend.
If you add yourself to an event, make sure you can attend, some events might depend on the number of participants and they will be counting on your attendance.
Creating an event
To propose an event, simply add it to the Sourcegraph Social calendar and invite yourself to it, always add a brief description letting others know what the event is about and don’t forget to list any requirements such as a video game or the minimum number of participants. Feel free to share the event in our Slack so others can join in!
When adding an event, you become the organizer and should communicate with its guest about important updates. For example, if you have to delete the event because it did not reach the minimum number of attendees.