These OKRs are for in fiscal year 2023, which runs from to .

For Sourcegraph employees, if you want more information or access to underlying data/tables you can see the internal slides here: Company & Department OKR Tracker


  1. OBJECTIVE: Learn and validate how use cases work for the business

    • KR: N1 expands tied to dev onboarding
    • KR: N2 expands tied to fixing vulnerabilities
    • KR: N3 opportunities in qualification tied to fixing vulnerabilities
    • KR: N4 opportunities in qualification tied to fixing vulnerabilities
    • KR: Public product roadmap tied to use cases
  2. OBJECTIVE: Build foundation for long-term revenue growth

    • KR: Add N5 ARR
    • KR: Sales + CE alignment on the action plan for all Tier 1 renewals in H1
    • KR: Generate N6 in qualified new business pipeline
    • KR: Win N7 new cloud customers

Customer Engineering

  1. OBJECTIVE: Learn and win fast with use cases

    • KR: 100% of CE team certified on use case demo flows
    • KR: CE streamline of technical validation process decreases avg time in Stage 4 by 35% (target of 39 days)
  2. OBJECTIVE: Learn and win fast with use cases

    • KR: N13 gross ARR retention
    • KR: N18 expansion opportunities by creating & executing on account plans for all Tier 1 & H1 renewals
    • KR: CE identifies and adds new, or refines existing, 25 use-case-specific features to the product roadmap based on customer feedback
  3. OBJECTIVE: Be proactive about our customers’ technical success

    • KR: 100% of tier 1 customers have use-case centric Business Reviews completed or scheduled
    • KR: Enterprise customer requests for help during deployment reduced by 25%


  1. OBJECTIVE: Win fast with use cases

    • KR: N1 expands tied to dev onboarding
    • KR: N2 expands tied to fixing vulnerabilities
      • KR: Fixing vulnerabilities campaigns generate N21 opps
      • KR: Dev onboarding campaigns generate N21 opps
      • KR: Demand programs generate N22 qualified expansion opps
  2. OBJECTIVE: Build for long-term revenue growth

    • KR: Generate N26 Marketing Qualified Leads
    • KR: Source N27 in qualified pipeline


  1. OBJECTIVE: Learn how to do use case driven development

    • KR: For 2 use cases, deliver 2 low hanging fruit projects that make a difference in our sales process
    • KR: Every person in Prod/Eng provides at least 1 piece of feedback from their experience using SG for a use case.
    • KR: Publish a roadmap for tied to use cases
  2. OBJECTIVE: Scale our business

    • KR: N19 individual account setups for self-hosted installs in
    • KR: >N20 teams onboarded to Sourcegraph Cloud by April 1st
    • KR: We have continuous visibility in our SaaS growth motion by monitoring dashboards for Time to Value, Registration, Retention, Churned, Resurrected, Onboarded (# and time to) and Revenue (paid customers)
  3. OBJECTIVE: Increase operational maturity

    • KR: SOC 2 Type 2 audit window started
    • KR: 3/3 monthly releases do not require a patch within 7 days of release
    • KR: Merged PRs land on staging within 25 minutes
    • KR: Achieve 80%+ positive feedback/approval (or binary like/dislike) associated with a reorganization of the flow/information architecture for the administration section of the docs.


  1. OBJECTIVE: Learn and win fast with use cases

    • KR: Improve the Stage 2 -> 3 conversion rate of opportunities within N10 days of entering Stage 2 from N11 to N12
    • KR: 100% of Sales Team is certified on new Use Case driven sales motion
  2. OBJECTIVE: Build for long-term revenue growth

    • KR: Add N5 ARR
    • KR: N13 gross ARR retention
    • KR: TBD – Expansion OKR
    • KR: Generate N14 in qualified new business pipeline
      • N15 from VCBOD
      • N16 from Outbound SDR
      • N17 from AE Outbound


  1. OBJECTIVE: Build a high-performing company

    • KR: Final company-wide hiring is N8%+ of the headcount plan
    • KR: Final net-new AE hiring is N9% staffed-to-plan
    • KR: Recruit summer intern class
  2. OBJECTIVE: Remain competitive in a candidate-driven market

    • KR: Candidate experience score is 4+ (“Strongly agree” = 5, “Agree” = 4)
    • KR: All interviews 5.5-hours total or less
    • KR: Average interview process takes ≤2 weeks (we move candidates through the process quickly)
    • KR: Average time-to-fill (from date the job is opened to date the offer is accepted) is ≤45 days
  3. OBJECTIVE: Enhance talent brand and be known as a destination company

    • KR: Publish 2 articles (in partnership with Marketing) to drive a 10% increase in applicants
  1. OBJECTIVE: Empower the business through better visibility of data

    • KR: [Finance & Accounting] 20% variance to IARR and 10% variance to spend forecasts monthly by EOQ
    • KR: [Finance & Accounting, Data & Analytics, People] Each department lead receives monthly financial and operational reporting and advice on the company and their department
    • KR: [Data & Analytics] Multi-touch attribution is in place
    • KR: [Data & Analytics] Understanding of what customer attributes and Sourcegraph actions drive higher close/renewal rates or adoption/consumption, and for CE to put those findings into practice
    • KR: [Data & Analytics] Understanding of what user actions drive Cloud account setups (or retention), and for Product and Commercial Sales to put those findings into practice
  2. OBJECTIVE: Proactive, automated operational foundation for our scale

    • KR: [Legal] At least 50% of our customers signing new deals <N25 ARR agree to use our online terms
    • KR: [Legal] 50% of MSA redline comments are copied and pasted from playbook
    • KR: [Legal] If a tender offer is completed, teammates are informed and legal processes are run efficiently
    • KR: [Finance & Accounting] Month-end close entirely in-house, completed in 5 business days
    • KR: [Tech ops] Respond to all IT-Tech-Ops tickets/posts within 1 business day. Jira dashboard
    • KR: [People] Each team has a clear development path (career development framework) available in the handbook
    • KR: [People] Assemble and compensation philosophy+guidelines are implemented, 100% of managers are trained, and job listings for every team that completes a comp review have public compensation ranges
    • KR: [People] Program for teammate recognition & reward implemented, with clear guidance on cadence and application process for rewards