Reviewing your tech stack

Every system owner is responsible for making sure their tech stack is accurate in Vendr. This means that all the software you have purchased is reflected in the portal and that the renewal dates are accurate for each deal.

How to review your tech stack:

  1. Login to Vendr via Okta
  2. Go to the Saas Stack tab on the left side of the portal (Handshake icon):
  • Deals tab: This will show you the list of deals that you have access to with a high level overview of the deals. You can click on the deal itself to see the details and to submit a new intake form (using the renewal or upgrade button in the top right corner of the deal page
  • Suppliers tab: This will show you the list of suppliers that you have deals with. You can click through to see the details of each deal you have with the supplier and submit an intake for renewal or upgrade (using the button in the top right corner

Deals tab

Suppliers tab

Don’t see a supplier listed in your portal

If you don’t see one of your suppliers listed in your portal:

  1. Search the supplier
  • If you see there is a green check box next to the supplier but you cannot see the details contact it-tech-ops in Slack and we can assign you to that Supplier so that you can see the details
  • If you do not see a green check box, follow the steps for Adding an supplier to the portal

Green button